Divina Enfermera 14. Sevilla

22 social apartments

M m m m m m m m
Project Description


In the Divina Enfermera Street of Seville, an almost completely interior plot remained unbuilt, maybe due to its access difficulties and to its soil of landfills. The Regional Government promoted a group of 45-square-meter dwellings for seniors and young adults.  The general layout used a single central courtyard surrounded by open corridors to which living rooms would open. That courtyard is somehow the prolongation of the street through the building vestibule, an in-between space designed as transparent as possible.


The main courtyard is a re-interpretation of the traditional corral de vecinos, the scenery of social relations between neighbors. This general sense of transparency is translated also to the design of elements like the perforated metal hand railings and the lattices in the stairs. Galvanized steel, phenolic boards and natural stone are used to make easy the maintenance of the building.